Here is Mr. Crocker, he is a diorite, which is an intrusive rock, he was formed in the magma inside the volcano making him an igneous rock too! Crocker has sodium as one of his minerals causing those cool pots on him.
After hundreds of thousands of years of weathering and erosion Crocker has found himself in a predicament. Crocker is now a pile of rock sediment.
And after hundreds of thousands of years deposition burred rocky under more sand and dirt. and after of thousands of years of intense erosion...
...We find our little pal Crocker here, now as a new sedimentary rock due to his years of compaction and cementation. His new rock type is also limestone with a grain size of 0.001mm.
As a limestone Mr. Crocker is full of different minerals from many different rocks, his main composition is calcite, calcium, and magnesium. and i have a hardness of 2-4 on the Mohs scale meaning I'm very soft.
Mr. Crocker starts to notice something? its getting hotter, increasingly!