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The Statue of Dreams
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Storyboard Beschreibung
Daniel 2.
No one could interpret his dream so he threatened to kill all of them if no one could tell interpret his dream.
King Nebuchadnezzar is having a disturbing dream...
There was a statue, with a gold head, It's chest and arms of silver, his skirt of bronze, his legs of iron, and his feet were made of clay.
Suddenly a rock appears and strikes the statue. King Nebuchadnezzar saw the statue being destroyed with his own eyes.
The rock destroying it meant that God would destroy and those kingdoms and end them.
The next day the king made all the astronomers, magicians, enchanters, and sorcerers. To tell him what his dream meant.
We can't!
He decides that the men had to interpret his dream AND tell him his dream.
Ah! Lord! King! Please tell us your dream!
Give us mercy!
Daniel volunteered to tell the king his dream and interpret it.
Daniel tell King Nebuchadnezzar his dream correctly and interprets it with the help of God
After Daniel correctly interpreted his dream, King Nebuchadnezzar gave him a high position in the kingdom.
The gold represents Babylon, the silver Persia, the Bronze Greece, the iron Rome, and the clay with iron the Divided Kingdom.
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