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The Lottery

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The Lottery
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  • The Gathering Tension
  • Mystery
  • Surprise
  • On June 17th everyone from a small village began to gather between the post office and the bank.They all gathered up because today is the lottery, which means they draw names from this old black box and whoever gets picked has to get stoned to that. Tessie Hutchinson forgot that today was the lottery.Mrs. Hutchinson went on, "and then I looked out the window and the kids was gone, and then I remembered it was the twenty-seventh and came a-running." She only noticed when she looked out the window and seen her whole family gone. Mr. Summers jokes about her being late but then she says she had to finish dishes which cracks everybody in the crowd up.
  • The End
  • Now how the lottery works is someone must pull out a paper fromthe black box to see who will get stoned to death. A lot of people want to stopdoing the lottery because in some villages they have already stopped. Now everyone is surrounded by the lottery box.Everyone is anxious to see who is going to pull out the paper with the blackdot. Everyone is staring around trying to see who is going to pull from the box.” By now, all through the crowd there were menholding the small, folded papers in their large hands, turning them over andover nervously.”
  • Now everyone is standing in the crowd with folded pieces ofpaper. Mrs. Hutchinsons tells bill to get up there to draw the last piece ofpaper. Mr Adams told the old man Warner that in some villages they are givingup the lottery. Mr. summers step forward and took a slip from the box. Therewas a long pause and then the slips were opened. Everyone was wondering who gotit, they started looking around towards the Hutchinsons s to see if anyone gotthe black dot. Suddenly, all the women began to speak at once, saying,"Who is it?" "Who's got it?," "Is it theDunbars?," "Is it the Watsons?" Then the voices began to say,"It's Hutchinson. It's Bill," "Bill Hutchinson's got it."
  • Miss summers directed to start over because he didn’t givehim enough time to choose the slip. Miss summers was telling everyone toremember to take one slip and not open the slip until told to do so. BillHutchinson grabbed the last piece of paper. Everyone was quiet,the Mrs. Summerssays to open the papers. “Mr.Graves opened the slip of paper and there was a general sigh through the crowdas he held it up and everyone could see that it was blank. Nancy and Bill, Jr.,opened theirs at the same time, and both beamed and laughed, turning around tothe crowd and holding their slips of paper above their heads.” This has peoplethinking that its Mrs.Hutchinsion. Everyone started gathering stones and runningtowards Mrs. Hutchinsion. All Mrs Hutchinsion kept saying was “This isn’t fair”until she couldn’t no more.
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