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English Project
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  • Albus, we has't been such valorous friends for 15 years serving in the Roman army together! I would misprise to liveth without thee.
  • Aren't we though Felix! We should kicketh the bucket together in battle.
  • I concur! We should at each moment tryeth to save each other, but if 't be true worst cometh to worst we should kicketh the bucket together.
  • That sounds valorous. Shall we keepeth marching!
  • Albus, these Germanic men has't us cornered and those gents don't behold joyous!
  • I knoweth Felix! Those gents art going to beat us to death with their fists! We art going to kicketh the bucket together!
  • Beat US?! No! Those gents art going to beat THEE Albus! I wilt not kicketh the bucket!
  • WHAT didst thee sayeth Felix!?
  • But Felix, we hadst a promise to kicketh the bucket together!
  • I am out of hither!
  • Ouch! Ouch! HOLP!
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