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Creation Story by: Abishek Prabaharan
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Day 1
It is so dark, I can barely see where I'm going.
This is light, it will indicate the day and darkness can indicate night
Day 2
I should make a dome to protect the earth from anything dangerous in space.
I should call this dome, the Sky!
Day 3
It is so nice to finally have a platform supporting my body. I don't have to hover and fly in the air anymore!
I should call this Earth!
Day 4
My sweat from all the work I have done shall create bodies of water throughout the whole world.
The holes I have dug up for the water will separate the land from the water.
Day 5
I've been feeling very lonely and bored recently so I created these to help me out.
I should name these livingbeings, animals!
Day 6
I realized that the animals I had created were hard to communicate to and I found myself lonely again
I created a being capable of doing much more. They will have dominion over the earth!
Day 7
I'm so tired from everything I have created, at least I can finally rest now!
I'm extremely happy with how everything has turned out!
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