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Life can be so crazy at times!
I know right espcially with the memories we have
It´s getting pretty late.
Back in college I almsot did something brave lol
I´m so sorry about yesterday, there was nothing I could do about it
It doesn´t matter, I love her
In the chapter Love, they sat and drank coffee and smoked cigarettes and talked about all of the things they had seen and done a long time ago.
I remember that wow ha ha ha !
Yes! I remember that too
In the Chapter Love, it says Jimmy wanted to ask Martha to come to his room but instead he talked about memories about Bonnie and Clyde.
I feel the same way about certian things
I will never forgive myself for his death
In the chapter Love, Martha and Jimmy had breakfest the next morning and she apologized about yesterday
The grenade is bouncing! RUNNNNN
In the Chapter Love, Jimmy and Martha looked at old pictures of Rat Kiley, Kiowa and Mitchell Sanders.
In the chapter Love, as Martha and Jimmy look at old pictures jimmy begins to think about the death of an old friend,
In the chapter Ambush, It says the grenande bounced once and rolled across the trail.
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