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Customer Journey Map for HR Hailey

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Customer Journey Map for HR Hailey
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Customer Journey Mapping

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Von Aaron Sherman

Dies ist der vierte Teil unserer Illustrated Guide to Product Development Serie. Ein Teil der Produktentwicklung versteht Ihre Kunden. Customer Journey Mapping ist der Prozess der Betrachtung der End-to-End-Serie von Veranstaltungen, die die gesamte Geschichte von vor Ihrem Produkt / Service, mit Ihrem Produkt / Service, und nach. Diese Karten können ganz lange werden und viele Schauspieler oder Persönlichkeiten mit einbeziehen. Sie können nicht einmal linear sein. Durch die Prüfung dieser verschiedenen Kundenfahrten ist es möglich, wichtige Anwendungsfälle zu identifizieren, die Ihr Produkt / Service unglaublich gut machen muss. Dies sollte alles, was derzeit verursacht eine Menge von Kunden Trauer (oft aus keinem guten Grund), und verwenden Sie Fälle, die wirklich verbessern das Kernprodukt bieten.


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Storyboard Beschreibung

Customer Journey Map / Customer Journey Mapping


  • Acme Co has a Morale Problem
  • Employee retention rate is becoming a problem.
  • HR Hailey Begins to Research Ideas
  • Improve Company Moral
  • Ten Quick and Cheap Tips to Improve Company Morale
  • SoLoMoFoo is First Discovered
  • Ten Quick and Cheap Tips to Improve Company Morale
  • Workplace Social Food Sharing Network
  • Call to Action to Get Started
  • • Share Free Food at Work • Increase Sense of Community • Quick and Easy to Get Started
  • Email Setup Instructions
  • HR Hailey is informed by the CEO that morale in the company is low, and this is causing employees to quit.
  • IT Ivan Recieves a Notification
  • To: IT IVAN
  • HR Hailey would like you to install and deploy SoLoMoFoo to your company. This should take about ten minutes and is completely painless. Thanks, SoLoMoFoo Team
  • HR Hailey doesn't know what she is looking for and starts by reading a few blogs looking for tips and tricks.
  • The Following Week
  • Is it just me, or is work more fun now that SoLoMoFoo is causing all these impromptu snack breaks?
  • The idea of sharing food and creating more of a community in the office intrigues HR Hailey.
  • One Month Later
  • After reading the SoLoMoFoo website, HR Hailey is even more convinced this is a great product and emails instructions to IT Ivan.
  • Well Deserved Praise
  • Our latest employee happiness survey is the best it has been in months. Thank you!
  • IT Ivan receives an email with instructions and is easily able to setup and deploy SoLoMoFoo.
  • Acme Co. has really gotten into using SoLoMoFoo and lots of great conversations are happening in the kitchen.
  • HR Hailey reviews the usage of SoLoMoFoo to really see how much people are using it.
  • People are using SoLoMoFoo a lot.
  • Charlie the CEO invites HR Hailey into his office to congratulate on her on quickly and cost effectively improving team morale.
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