Living conditions are terrible right now. Why did we ever choose to not have a government..
Hello everyone. Today I have come to speak to you about a meeting being held Tuesday morning that is manditory here in the gov. building.
voiced my opinion about the government...
What are you in for?
An anarchy is a society with no government at all. There are no laws nor any protection. No one makes the rules.
A theocracy is a religious form of government based on a god. Power is in the hands of the religious authority. Laws are based on religion.
Direct democracy
I voted to focus more on global warming and the economy!!
A dictatorship is when one person has the absolute rule over a state. That person has the power to do whatever they please. The rights of citizens are suppressed.
Who did you vote for?
Joe Biden!
A monarchy is a form of government in which one person holds the absolute authority in ruling a country. There is a king and a queen, they are the monarchs. A monarchy comes into power by inheritance.
Yes, father.
Son, as you know , the day I die is the day you take my place as king and rule. Do you understand me?
A direct democracy is a democracy where the people vote on how the state should function but do not vote on one person to represent the state.
A republic is when the people vote on one person to represent their country. The person elected with the majority vote gets granted supreme power.