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George Johnson's Narrative Part 2
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George Johnson's NarrativePart 2: Montgomery Saving the Plantation
Everyone admired him. Obeyed him. Master Jeff would look and see his slaves and tip his hat to him. Everyone honored the gesture and did the same,
Time to put these Southern plantation owners their place.
The Yankees are coming South! They might take Master Jeff's land!
Ben Montgomery (Isaiah Montgomery's father)
I got to see him. No, Mrs. you can't do no good. I don't want to see you. I want a passport. Send me to Richmond, Virginia to see master Jeff.
What you want to see master Jeff for, Ben
Well. Mrs. I'm have to go Richmond. Got to see Master Jeff.
Everybody's alright Master Jeff, but the Yankees coming near Vicksburg robbing slaves and mules. They in pursuit of the Davis' land
I'm tell you what I want to do. I want you to deed this land to me. So I'll have it.
Ben that won't do no good. Don't you belong to me? The land's mine. You're mine. Why that won't do no good.
Hey Ben, what you are you doing here? How's everyone doing?
My God, free me, man.
Master Jeff, can't you free me
Ben you're right.
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