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Bridge to terebithia comic strip

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Bridge to terebithia comic strip
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  • OF Course I would
  • Miss Edmunds invites and takes Jess to Washington DC to observe the meusemum 
  • hello Jesse would you like to go to washington 
  • as jesse arrives home he learns of the death of Lesley Jesse is ditraught and runs into the forest only to be chased by his dad
  • where have you been
  • we should go pay our repects
  • your friend Lesley she..... is dead
  • hello im ho...
  • after paying respects to the burke family, Jess built a bridge at the place Lesley died so no one could suffer the same fate it was also used as a place for his sister and Maybelle could rule as king and princess.
  • hello Mr burke im here to pay my respects
  • thank you Jesse you were a good friend to her
  • this kingdom is what ever you want it to be
  • sure Jess
  • could i please use the wood at your hous
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