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David Versus Goliath Comic Strip

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David Versus Goliath Comic Strip
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  • Our Story begins in the Land of Israel many many years ago when Saul was the King of Israel. God was not happy with Saul as he had disobeyed God many times.
  • God spoke to Samuel an Old Prophet to inform him that a boy named David was chosen to be the future King of Israel
  • One night King Saul had a terrible dream so he called for Samuel to help with his dreams.
  • Samuel I feel troubled I am having bad dreams I feel someone is trying to take away my control over my kingdom.
  • In this scene we see King Saul the past King of Israel sitting in his throne with a feeling of worry. He feels that something will happen to him and his Kingdom.
  • It is just a dream so calm your mind how can I help you relax?
  • Saul meets with Samuel so he can ask for help with the terrible dream he had last night.
  • I would like to hear some soothing music, do you know of any good musicians who can play for me?
  • The second scene shows the old Prophet Samuel praying and getting a message from God that a boy named David will be the future King of Israel and will replace King Saul.
  • I know of a boy who plays the harp beautifully. I saw him in the house of Jesse in the nearby town. I'm sure he can help you with your mind. I'll send for him immediatly
  • King Saul has a terrible dream and feels something terrible is wrong and calls for Samuel the old Prophet to come to his palace and asks for help with the terrible dream
  • And so Samuel had David brought to the palace.
  • King Saul meets with the old Prophet Samuel to ask for help on how to distract himself with his terrible dreams.
  • Even as a young boy David was known to be a very good musician. He wrote songs and played the harp very well.
  • Samuel tells King Saul that he will send for a musician in the nearby town of Jesse that plays that can play the harp beautifully for the King to relax and clear his mind.
  • Samuel takes David to the palace so he may play for King Saul so David may walking through the palace hallways and rooms.
  • David plays the harp for the King and the King is pleased he relaxes to the soothing music he plays for the King
  • The Philistines were getting prepared for the battle against the army of Israel, with that their champion Goliath was amongst their midst. Goliath was ten feet tall and made the soldiers of Israel look like little mice.
  • The Israel soldiers see the Philistine army and are shocked with the humongous size of there army and their champion fighter Goliath screaming all the way from the other side of the battle for a challenge to fight a warrior from the Israel army.
  • Brothers is there no one to face Goliath and fight for our people.
  • None of the men wants to risk their lives against a man like him.
  • Then I will face him if no one will do it then I will.
  • That is very brave of you David but also very foolish the king will not permit you to face Goliath.
  • David finds his brothers within the army that will fight against the Philistine army and says he will fight against Goliath and take up on his challenge.
  • David what are you doing here I didn't summon you, and I don't have time to listen to music we are at War
  • Your majesty I am here to ask if I may fight for my country and fight against Goliath.
  • David tells his brothers he will go to the palace and ask King Saul to permit him to face against Goliath.
  • David I cannot send you into battle for you are not a soldier and you can't even carry a weapon to face against him
  • I will assure you I will defeat Goliath and save our country from ruin I just need your permission to let me fight.
  • David goes to the palace and asks King Saul to permit him to battle against Goliath
  • I admire your spirit and bravery but I still cannot give you permission to fight Goliath. Not even our most feared warriors could beat him.
  • Your men may be afraid of him but I have no fear. Thou I am a shepherd boy I may still be able to defeat Goliath for I have killed many lions to protect my sheep.
  • David talks to King Saul to ask to fight against Goliath in his palace.
  • Very well David if you wish to fight Goliath then so be it but you must wear a suit of armour and you may take my sword to fight against Goliath.
  • Thank you your majesty I will not let this chance to fight for my country and that armour or your sword you majesty. For they are to heavy and will make it impossible to defeat Goliath.
  • David arrives at the battle field and sees Goliath and the Philistine army out in the distance with Goliath still looking for a fighter to face him.
  • David is trying to make the king reconsider his decision but the King has a feeling that David will never survive if he fights Goliath.
  • David meets Goliath and notices his gigantic size. On the other hand
  • The King admires David's bravery but still says no as he thinks it is like sending him to his death.
  • You must be joking the King must be insane to send a boy like you to a battle. You don't even carry a sword.
  • King Saul reconsiders to let David fight Goliath but is worried for the outcome for he turns down his offer for a sword or body armour to protect himself against Goliaath.
  • So David exits the palace and moves towards the battle field to face Goliath and send him and the Philistine army to where they came from.
  • David meets Goliath on the battle field and takes on Goliath's challenge. But Goliath laughs at what David says as he is a tiny shepherd boy that doesn't even have a weapon.
  • Then I will take on your challenge Goliath if no one else will fight you then I will.
  • I am not going anywhere Goliath I am here to fight you and beat you to the ground as you have insulted me and my King and fellow country men for to long. We are not afraid we just don't take your threats seriously.
  • Do not test my mercy boy send a real man to fight me. You dare to insult the likes of me?
  • If you cannot fight me then surrender to us now.
  • That is it boy you have insulted me for to long be ready for you will die today!
  • Goliath gets agitated with David's words and warns him one last time to walk away and let a real warrior fight him in the field of battle.
  • Goliath has enough of David and decides to take upon his request to fight like a true warrior.
  • Goliath charges at David with his spear high above his head to strike David dead. David stands still and sets a prayer to God.
  • He then pulls his sling as far as he can and lets go hitting Goliath right between the eyes stopping him on his tracks.
  • David freezes where he stands and there was a sense of silence throughout the field.
  • Thus David became a hero of Israel and the Slayer of Goliath he would later on become the KIng of Israel and rule the country for many many years
  • He then falls on his knees and the Philistine army is surprised of the out come of the battle and is shocked that Goliath has been defeated.
  • The Israelite's watch from the hills and there was still a long moment of silence when Goliath dropped to the ground with his face buried in the sand.
  • The Israelites rush to David so they may lift up the new hero of Israel on their shoulders back to the palace singing and praising to their new hero.
  • So David becomes the hero of Israel the slayer of the Giant Goliath and would soon become the well known and respected King of Israel for many many years to come.
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