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  • Hey, Aman! You are looking sad. What happened? Is everything ok?
  • Don't worry! I will help you. First of all, you need to fresh up your mood. Let's watch some T.V.
  • Hi Ayush. Tomorrow is my test on probability and I am not at all prepared.
  • I think that you understood what the commentator just said/ So, this is what probability is! Let's understand this by playing a game.
  • The probability that England wins the match against India is 1/3. The probability that England wins at least one match is 19/27.
  • Now it seems a bit simple!
  • I have a deck of cards from which I have removed king, queen and jack. SO, you have to find the probability of getting a heart and a queen.
  • It's so easy! I know that the total number of heart cards are 13 and total no. of cards are 52. So, the probability of getting a heart will be 13/49. And the probability for getting a queen will be 0 because you have already remove the queen.
  • Great! The answer is correct! You are a quick learner. Now, let's see some important terms.
  • OK!!
  • 1. Some Basic Definitions (i) Trial: A single performance of a random experiment is known as a trial. (ii) Sample space: The set consisting of all possible outcomes of a random experiment is known as sample space. (lii) Event: A subset of the sample space of a random experiment is called an event. 2. Probability: Let n be the total number of trials and m be a favorable event. The empirical probability P(E) of an event E happening, is given by: P(E)= No. of trials favorable to an/Total no. of trials= m/n
  • All the best!! I know you will do well!!
  • Thank you so much! I am feeling confident now!!
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