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Indentured Servants

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Indentured Servants
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  • People who wanted to start a life in the colonies agreed to sign contracts to become indentured servants.
  • The system of indentured servants was the answer to getting beggars and homeless people off the streets of England.
  • People like convicts, vagabonds, rogues, and undesirables choose to be indentured servants rather than go to jail.
  • Most of the indentured servants worked in the tobacco fields of Virginia and Maryland.
  • Poor people in England would sell themselves into indenture just to survive. They were offered a trip to North America, but they had to do 4 to 7 years of unpaid work for their master in exchange.
  • There was an advertisement about the indentured servants in a newspaper called the Virginia Gazette.
  • Virginia GazetteJust arrived at Leedstown, the Ship Justitia, with about one Hundred Healthy Servants, Men Women and Boys.
  • Virginia GazetteJust arrived at Leedstown, the Ship Justitia, with about one hundred healthy servants, men, women, and boys.
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