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Evolution of Technology

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Evolution of Technology
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  • Noah, do you think you will ever be able to live in a world without technology?
  • Mom, what is a world without technology? I can't imagine living without it! Life wouldn't beworth living!
  • Well would you believe me if I told you I grew up with the evolution of technology?
  • What do you mean?
  • My first time being introduced to technology was in 5th grade. I attended a magnet school which focused primarily on teaching techniques using technology.
  • A Dell desktop was the firs electronic I ever learned to operate whichconsisted of a computer screen and a power box. From that moment technology as a whole continued to grow from a desktop to laptop. After this cell phones entered and took the world by storm. They went from brick back phones to something as light as a remote!
  • Now technology is more advanced and its used in everyday life. It has created ways to keep in contact with people all over the world, helps make school easier and even create everlasting memories!
  • Technology has changed the way we view the world Noah and It's only going to keep evolving.
  • Wow mom! I can't wait to see where we will be 10 years from now.
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