Tar Baby by Uncle Remus takes place at Uncle Remus house in the Deep South. The story setting is emphasized through the use of vivid descriptions of the plantation and its characters. The description of the characters' physical features and their actions contributes to the story's setting as well.
This story is told by Uncle Remus, a wise old African American. His stories have provided insight into African American culture as well as entertainment and education for generations. His stories have also been used to teach lessons about morality and values. Throughout history and culture, his stories have left a mark.
The rabbit is seen as a symbol of weakness and vulnerability, which can be seen in how the slaves were taken advantage of and suffered. The rabbit is also seen as a sign of innocence and powerlessness, as slaves were powerless in slavery and oppression. It is also a symbol of weakness that can be overcome through strength and courage.
Br'er Rabbit uses a variety of colorful similes such as "as swift as a cat" and "as sly as a fox" to describe his movements. His use of repetition and exaggeration helps to create tension and drama within the story. Br'er Rabbit's use of similes and repetition helps to draw the reader in and create a sense of anticipation and excitement. It also helps to create a sense of humor as Rabbit's exaggerated movements become more comical as the story progresses.
The stor dialect was filled with colorful expressions and slang words used by slaves . For example, the narrator of the story says, "The Tar Baby was so a-snuffling and a-snoodling about, that ’twasn't fitten for a Christian to stand and look at."