there is a earth quake. i am so scared i am going to get hurt by that ball hitting meby the way my name is jackson zane bordwell
why did that earthquake happen I need to know how can I learn how it happend by the way my name is jackson zane brodwell
here lets go on a trip to my basement to find out by patrick korl weis
ya i did by the way why am i here
here let me tell you about the layers of the earth first there is the crust then the mantle then the outer core then lastly the inner core got that sonny boy
also rember there is a quiz at the end
cool thanks for telling me that realy helps
you are here because i am your unkle also there are convection curents were the how rock rises whal the cold stuf sinks that happends in the mantle this is super important
thanks for teching me
yep any time now go do good on that test
now I am going to do godd on that test because I know that there are four layers of the earth crust mantle iner core outer core and I also know that convection curents happen in the mantle and they are when the warm stuf rises and the cold stuf sinks. I also know that there is a proses called seafloor spreading where the seafloor spreads and magma solidafys and the old seafloor get subducted and it can make trenches. some of the other tipes of plates are convergent that converge and make mountens or trenches on exsample is mount evrest also transforming plates are when they rub together. a divergent plate is where they separater also there is the thery of contanetal drift that the sea floor spreds and changes over millions of years