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5 Phases of the fur trade

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5 Phases of the fur trade
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  • 5 Phases of the fur trade
  • Phase 1 - The early fur trade
  • Do you wanna trade?
  • sure,we trade fish for fur!
  • Phase 2 - Expansion on the Lands
  • Kcbsjvhjscsncn
  • Phase 3 - Rival Networks
  • The cod fishery was the first phase of the fur trade First Nations began to trade with the Europeans who came for fish.
  • Phase 4 - The drive west
  • Lets focus on land and farming it .
  • French and Haudenosaunee War. The Haudenosaunee defeated the Quandat the ally of French. French and the Haudenosaunee lost their middlemen
  • Phase 5 - Monopoly in the west
  • Voyagers would bring smaller boats to trade at trading post.
  • The importance of furs are beginning to decline and only French wants them. British began to focus on land and farming
  • Beaver became a scrace and there was less demand for furs in Europe.
  • No
  • Do you want furs
  • No
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