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  • Determine the Decision
  • Hey Charlene! I'm not sure, let me think about it.
  • Hey Penny! I just got these new pain meds, wanna try some with me?
  • Okay! I'm gonna go sit on the bench.
  • Explore the Options
  • I could try some of the pain medication with Charlene.. Or I could not take the Pain medication with Charlene...
  • Consider the Consequences
  • If I take some of the pain medication, I might have health issues, but Charlene won't be upset with me. If I don't take the pain medication, I won't be at risk of getting health issues, but Charlene might get mad a me
  • Charlene sees Penny at the park. She asks Penny if she would like to take pain medicine together.
  • Identify Your Values
  • If I take the medicine, my parents and peers probably won't think very highly of me. If I don't take the pain medicine, I will be happier, and my family will be proud of my decision.
  • Penny thinks about what she could do.
  • Decide & Act
  • Hey Charlene, I have decided that, No thanks, I will not be taking the pain medications because I don't want health issues.
  • Penny thinks about the consequences that might happen for either decision that she makes. 
  • Evaluate the Results
  • I'm happy that I didn't take the pain medication. It was definitely the right decision! Now I won't have a risk of health issues!
  • Penny thinks about her values, and what she thinks would be the smarter decision.
  • Penny decides what she should do, and tells Charlene that she refuses to take the pain medication.
  • Oh, Okay. That's fine! See ya around!
  • Penny thinks about her decision, and is happy about it.
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