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Photosynthesis Storyboard
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  • Sure, that sound so interesting!
  • Great! Photosynthesis is when plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water. The chemical formula is carbon+water+sunlight = glucose+oxygen
  • Hello, my name is Lily! Do you want to learn about photosynthesis?
  • Are there any other parts to photosynthesis?
  • Chloroplast is an organelle that is only located in plants and inside of it is the thylakoid which is the site of photosynthesis. A stack of thylakoids is called a granum which has chlorophyll (a green pigment used to absorb sunlight for photosynthesis). Inside of the chloroplast is also the stroma and stromata. The stroma is where the Calvin Cycle takes place and the stromata is where the pores take in Co2 and let out O2.
  • Yes! There is a 2-part reaction which are light dependent reactions. These include photosystem II and I. In the light dependent reaction there is the calvin cycle. Let me show you the steps.
  • Step 1 to photosystem II: Sunlight hits p680 and gives energy to an electron (electron is from water molecules)
  • Step 3: The energized electron travels down the ETC and looses energy as it goes. Then the hydrogen ions from the stroma (space outside of the thylakoid where the Calvin Cycle takes place) are pumped
  • Wow that's a lot!
  • Step 2: When the water molecule is split, it leaves behind Oxygen and Hydrogen molecules.
  • Yup and that's not all! Now we have photosystem I to go through. Let's see those steps!
  • Step 1 to photosystem I: Sunlight hits p700 and gives energy to an electron (electron is from water molecules)
  • Step 3: Hydrogen ions inside the thylakoid are pushed through the ATP synthase gate to the stroma. In this step, ADP+ H = ATP
  • That is so cool how everything works! Wasn't there a uhhh some type of Kevin Cycle or something like that.
  • Step 2: Electron travels down the ETC and turns NADP+ into NADPH
  • Ahh yes. It is actually called the Calvin Cycle.
  • Regeneration: -1 molecule of G3P goes to make glucose -5 are recycled to make more RuBP [Other 5 are going to be pushed to the shop to be replaced and recycled] -ATP → ADP
  • Carbon Fixation: C02 (1 carbon) +RuBP (5 carbons) = 6 carbon chain
  • The Three Stages to the Calvin Cycle:1) Carbon fixation2) Reduction3) Regeneration
  • Reduction: -(6) 3-PGA → (6) G3P -ATP ---> ADP-NADPH ---> NADP+
  • That is a lot to take in but very interesting. I thought photosynthesis was that you just put water in a plant and boom.
  • Oh yeah it's way more complex than that. Well, there you have it, the process of photosynthesis!!!
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