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  • It frustrates me when I don't understand my schoolwork. Sometimes when I don't understand, it feels like my brain shuts down, and I can't focus on my work anymore. I just get even more overwhelmed.
  • ? ? ? ?
  • Mom
  • Biology Homework:DNA
  • Dad
  • It hurts when I hear about or see my friends doing something without me. My anxiety makes it worse, because I start to think that they don't actually want to be friends with me.
  • What if people don't actually like me?Am I annoying them?Do people talk about me behind my back?Why am I so bad at acting?Why am I questioning my sexuality?Why can't I just do things without being anxious?
  • Yeah, I'm FINE
  • My anxiety makes me second guess EVERYTHING. And not many people are able to tell when I'm hurting.
  • But my anxiety doesn't stand a chance against the people I love and the things I love to do. I refuse to let mental illness negatively affect MY quality of life.
  • Sami
  • Emma
  • My FAMILY makes me happy.
  • Megan
  • Hannah
  • Aubree
  • My FRIENDS make me happy.
  • Josie
  • Mary
  • Xander
  • THEATER and PERFORMING makes me happy.
  • And as of right now? I'dsay my quality of life is pretty darn good :)
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