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  • In a beautiful autumn season where the leaves fall and the sky is painted in beautiful sunsets, a beautiful friendship is born, in which love will soon blossom …….
  • This is the new exchange student Arturo Richards; please sit next to Rosita
  • It is an honor to have a student from another country. Why don't you show up?
  • Hello my name is Arturo Richards, I am from Spain and I am sixteen years old.
  • Hello Welcome
  • Expressing an example
  • Here we love dancing, styles like salsa, bachata, cumbias.
  • Ohh !! I hadn't heard of genres like that. You like to dance?
  • Love it. you know how to dance?
  • I love rock, jazz and the band.
  • to be continue.....
  • No, of those styles.
  • One day I'll take you to a party, and I'll teach you.
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