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Racial Bias

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Racial Bias
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  • Hey, can i hangout with you guys?
  • Umm.... no sorry we only hang out with people that look like us
  • Oh... okay then.
  • Yeah haha so run along!
  • What's wrong Makena?!
  • That is not okay, that seems like racial bias. You need to tell a trustec teacher. You should be treated just like the rest of us!
  • I got told i couldn't hangout with someone because I dont look lie them
  • o-okay...
  • Oh my! This is not okay, it seems like there having racial bias we need to make sure they apologize and learn from there mistakes
  • Okay, thank you so much sir. I really hate feeling judged becasue of the way people view me
  • Sir, I have been getting discriminated and being told I can't hangout with people because of the way I look
  • Yes sir, we understand. We are very sorry and we will apologize to Makena immediately.
  • I am very disappointed to see this behaviour from you two.
  • Girls I have been told you have discriminated Makena because she doesnt look like you guys We do not tolerate that behaviour here, everyone is treated equally! You must apologize at once and make sure you guys learned from your mistakes
  • Hey Makena, we just wanted to apologize for everything we have done. We feel so so awful.
  • Yeah we are so so sorry.
  • Thank you girls for apologizing, I hope you guys have learned from your mistakes and dont do it to anyone else. 
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