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Cellular Respiration Storyboard

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Cellular Respiration Storyboard
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  • All aboard! All aboard! One way trip the the ETC
  • Deep within the mitochondria, electrons are boarding the NADH transport system to travel to the ETC
  • I can't wait! This trip is going to be so fun!
  • N A D H
  • Are they going to come back?
  • Woah! What are those things floating in the sky?
  • Inside the ETC, within the matrix
  • Those, my negatively charged friends, are hydrogen (+) ions. They are moving into the intermembrane in reaction to you guys traveling through the ETC
  • AHHHH! What is that?!
  • Stay back! CODE RED CODE RED!Cyanide blocking the exit. We can't leave! Bring in the backup!
  • END
  • Yes, but after you guys leave. See they will move down the concentration gradient. A very important step that will lead to the synthesis of ATP. Welp, looks like we are that the end of the li- 
  • END
  • HAHAHA! I am Bert, the evil Cyanide! I have blocked the exit of the ETC and electrons wont be able to leave or come in. Now, H(+) won't form a concentration gradient, stopping the creation of ATP as it can't flow through the ATP synthase! My plan has worked perfectly HAHAHA!
  • Within 5 minutes though, antibodies flooded the Cyanide, removing it from the exit and saving cellular respiration inside the cell!
  • Darn you antibodies! I'll be back, vengeance will be mine!
  • With the end of the ETC clear, electrons were able to come and go as usual. H(+) began to move back into the intermembrane, creating a concentration gradient once again!
  • ATP
  • Now, the H(+) moves down the concentration gradient and into the ATP Synthase, creating ATP!
  • ATP
  • Energy is now restored and Cellular Respiration can continue!
  • ATP
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