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Climate Change

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Climate Change
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  • Really?!?!How??
  • Did you know that humans cause between 95-100% of climate change?
  • -UnitedNations
  • -UnitedNations
  • -EuropeonCommissions
  • Through processes including generating power, manufacturing goods, cutting down forests, using transportation, powering food, etc
  • We burn fossil fuels which increase the greenhouse gases.
  • We burn fossil fuels which increase the greenhouse gases
  • The more greenhouse gases, the more the warming effect occurs
  • -UnitedNations
  • Hurricanes, droughts, and even wildfires are now occurring due to climate change.
  • Change your home’s source of energy
  • We are seeing changes in our oceans, an increase in heat waves, rising sea levels, heavy precipitation, and decreased water resources.
  • What’s Really Changing…
  • The oceans are becoming warmer and warmer and glaciers are melting… killing tons of wildlife in the process.
  • The oceans are becoming warmer and warmer and glaciers are melting… killing tons of wildlife in the process.
  • -UnitedStatesEnviornmentalProtectionAgency
  • Save energy at home, use less electricity and water.
  • Ways We Can Help!!
  • Walk, bike, or take public transportation.
  • Walk, bike, or take public transportation.
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Lots of energy is burned producing food and from processed food factories.
  • We burn fossil fuels which increase the greenhouse gases.
  • Eat More Whole Foods and Recycle!
  • Not eating these foods help to not contribute to their running of the factories.
  • Buying fewer things, shopping second hand, repairing what you can, and just recycling all reduce greenhouse gases
  • Switching to an alternative such as solar panels helps save the environment.
  • This is because most home’s energy comes from oil, coal, or gas.
  • The more greenhouse gases, the greater the warming affect occurs
  • Hurricanes, droughts, and even wildfires are now occurring due to climate change.
  • -UnitedStatesEnviornmentalProtectionAgency
  • Really?!? How?
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • We are seeing changes in our oceans, an increase in heat waves, rising sea levels, heavy precipitation, and decreased water resources.
  • Change your home’s source of energy!
  • Switching to an alternative such as solar panels helps save the environment
  • Hurricanes, droughts, and even wildfires are now occurring due to climate change.
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Most vehicles burn diesel or gasoline… the less of that the less greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Not eating these foods help to not contribute to their running of the factories.
  • Not eating these foods help to not contribute to their running of the factories.
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