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historical storyboard about Sir Walter Raleigh
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Sir Walter Raleigh was born around 1552 in Devon, England. He studied at oxford University and also in London to study law.
My first voyage of the world was when I sailed to America
He's one of my favorites!
He sailed to America with his half-brother, Sir Humphrey Gilbert who was also an explorer like him.
Sir Walter Raleigh went back to America in 1585 with Queen Elizabeth I permission
My second voyage wasn't very far actually, I sailed to Ireland part of Britain. I ended an uprising.
I then became a landowner in Munster, Ireland.
Sir Walter, would you like to sail back to America? I grant you my permission!
I went back to America, now I come back with gold and jewels!
Well done Walter, you were clearly trusted getting gold and jewels!
You Walter Raleigh, I thought I trusted you. I guess not. I'm sorry Walter you will have to be put in prison
Raleigh was put in prison in the Tower Of London for secretly getting married to one of the Queen's maids without her knowing.
I shouldnt've done this. I did something wrong. I thought she wouldn't find out.
One of my other maids told me. I could find out about anything easily.
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