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  • Subject: Computer Ap. grades Dear So and So, ...
  • Do Make subject line short and to the point.
  • Do Correctly address the person respectfully an appropriate.
  • Subject: ... Dear Mr/ Mrs Thompson, ...
  • Subject:... Dear so and so, I was checking my grades and one of the test I made up wasn't put in. Could you up dat that? Sincerely, Tom
  • Do Get to the point in your email. Make it short and to the point. End in the correct way and be polite. People respond better to the correct email.
  • Don't Don't make subject line too long and confusing.
  • Subject: The one thing you graded didn't get graded for me!! Dear so and so, ...
  • Subject: ... Yo boi Thompson sup? ...
  • Don't Don't be to casual when talking to a teacher or subordinate, not when asking a serious question or saying a serious statement.
  • Don't Don't say anything that you don't need to get strait to the point. Also don't use slang and abbreviations, incorrect punctuation, and don't use all caps. Don't threaten either.
  • Subject:... Dear so and so, So I woke up dis morning like ya do and decided to check some grades I WAS SHOOK Y'all know how ya said you would put in dat grade for my late work Well I checked today and DAT ONE JAWN WASNT PUT IN FOR A GRADE!!! Just was wondering if ya could update my grades so I don't fail that would be chillin ty Dont make me fail
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