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  • Act 1 scene 2, annex, July 1942It is early daybreak, July, 1942. The rooms arebare, as before, but they are now clean and orderly.
  • Ration books? If they see our names on ration books, they’ll know we’re here.
  • There isn’t anything...
  • Don’t worry. Your names won’t be on them. I’ll be up later.
  • Thank you, Miep.
  • We won’t be living here exactly accordingto regulations.
  • It’s illegal, then, theration books? We’ve never done anything illegal.
  • This isn’t the black market, Mrs.Frank. This is what we call the white market... helping all of the hundreds and hundreds who are hiding out in Amsterdam.
  • It’s the Westertoren!
  • BONG
  • I must go. I must be out of here and downstairs in the office before the workmen get here. (He starts for the stairs leading out.) Miep or I, or both of us, will be up each day to bring you food and news and find out what your needs are. Tomorrow I’ll get you a better bolt for the door at the foot of the stairs. It needs a bolt that you can throw yourself and open only at our signal.Oh . . . You’ll tell them about the noise?
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