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  • Exposition
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • Whoever broke into my closet last winter and stole my liquor will probably try it again, only this time he'll wish he hadn't.
  • Honey! That's murder!
  • Judson and Mabel prepare to leave their cabin. Judson was going to poison his liquor when his wife walked in.
  • Climax
  • Judson poisons the liquor in the cabinet.
  • Falling Action
  • He tries to reason for why he will kill the thief who stole from him, and Mabel begs him not to.
  • Resolution
  • Judson doesn't change his mind and Mabel leaves to warn Alec's wife.
  • Judson slips on an acorn and falls.
  • Alec gives Judson the poisoned liquor to help him.
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