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French revolution

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French revolution
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  • Meeting of Estates general
  • thats not my problem
  • I cant afford all these taxes
  • the tennis court aoth
  • We are not leaving until you change the law
  • We need change now
  • the storming of the bastile
  • The meeting of the estates general was a very important part of the french revolution, the third estate were getting taxed on everything and were having to pay all the countries taxes. this wasn't as easy as it seemed though becouse they were not able to pay enough to keep France's taxes paid so France went into a financial crisis. Each estate got one vote this was called the vote by order The first and second estate were not having it so they would always vote to raise taxes on the already broke third estate, this caused lots of anger.
  • the march on versailles
  • just give them cake.
  • The tennis court oath that took place after a national assembly, the third estate got very upset because although they made up 98% of the population, they only got one vote, they than always got voted to pay taxes by the other two, this caused them to revolt and go into the indoor tennis court were they created there own constitution (1791). they took a pledge to follow this and take their country back the right way.
  • the reign of terror
  • July 14 1791 was one of the most important parts of the french revolution, this was the date that the third estate said they were done and had enough, they wanted to fight back. The third estate had the guns just not the ammunition so they desided to storm the prison were all the ammo was located, the king caught on and sent troops from a neighbor country to come help, this caused a large war to break, this being the start of the revolution.
  • Rise of Napoleon
  • The king finally gave in and calmed the revolution down by giving the third estate some more rights, but they stopped providing basic needs such as food and clean water, so the woman of the third estate desided they were going to march to the kings pallace and demand that he gives the bread, the queen offered them a slice of cake. This made them very mad so they desided to demand the move to Paris instead of Versailles. The king eventually budged in and promised to move to Paris.
  • You must give us bread, and move closer to us
  • Fine i'll go
  • Robespierre was a man who went by the nickname of the incorruptable, this was given to him because of his honesty and idealism. Robespierre took over the power right before the start of the reign of terror. France was in a very bad state because of all the countries attacking from all sides, this caused a crisis this caused the exicution of thousands of people by guillotine because of the suspition that they were part of Robespierre's radical. This caused the start of a republic.
  • Hurry up and get in the guillotine
  • I didn’t even do anything
  • well you looked suspicious
  • The rise of Napoleon caused the country of France releave in many ways, this was the age of war. Robespierre became the leader of the french army, he lead the army to have lots of military sucsess and they were able to win the wars against Austria and other neighbor countries. This did have a turn, Napoleon got so full of himself he declared himself the emperor. Although he thought to much of himself he made some good reforms, he signed reforms that got rid of privlage at birth so that everyone could be equal, he also wrote reforms that gave people the freedom of religeon.
  • we won, everyone celebrate and thank Napolean
  • I told you i would make us win
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