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The Palace of Lady Ember by E. Ruminpamba
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Gleiten: 1
The Lady has bought another human. It seems that she has return to look for a husband
Well what can we do, even if we try to separate her from him, she won't listen to us. So At least we should try to support her with this.
Agh! Here we go again. If this human is like the others, The Lady will be really disapointed
Gleiten: 2
This is my throne, I know it looks a bit gloomy but it's comfortable, the only problem is that I'm here alone
Ehmm, *Cough* *Cough*, Oh Have you seen the color of this rug? It's beautiful.
Uhm, Really Thank you I chose it, but It's not as handsome as you.
Oh Ha ha ha. Ehm thank you for the compliment
Gleiten: 3
Well without being disrespectful. May I ask how is that a beatiful Lady like you is alone?
Oh, yes of course you can ask.
The reality is that I miss talking to someone but I haven't done it for a long time
But why I'm sure that a lot of people would like to talk to you
Oh, You think so, that's very sweet, you're such a gentleman
*blushing*, and you're a kind women Lady Ember
Gleiten: 0
Wow She still got it.
It looks like a nice love story is about to begin. I hope the Lady to be happy
*I'm starting to like this visit*
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