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  • Hello!
  • Yes, in fact I always pass through the park picking up trash.
  • Yes, I am willing, besides I believe that we must keep our planet clean, and have others collaborate in the process.
  • I have a proposal for you, since I have a project against pollution, to save the environment, and I wanted to know if you are willing to help us.
  • Hello friend!
  • Are you aware that there is a lot of contamination?
  • Guau!
  • I have placed them to assemble our team for cleaning the beach
  • Hello welcome everyone!
  • Hello!
  • Hello, good morning
  • Hello
  • We can do a contest of who sings an original song about recycling will be our guide, what do you think?
  • There is a lot of dirt, but one thing we can do is recycle.
  • Both of them seem like a good idea.
  • It seems excellent to me too
  • Yes.
  • I agree with you and the beach is very dirty.
  • wow! the beach was very dirty
  • Ready and everything was clean
  • They sing very well
  • You look so happy when I'm not with you...
  • I see you dancing in a crowded room
  • They were excellent guys, the show was beautiful
  • Hello, what are you going to ask
  • Thank you.
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