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  • That was a fun girls' night out, we should do it more often Britt!
  • Samantha, please don't do this! God wouldn't want this..
  • I can't handle this anymore, its better to just end it all.
  • It's always extra fun when you come.
  • Britt flies across the country for summer break.
  • *Whispers* she's being moody just leave her be.
  • *Whispers* why does she put her negative energy out on us.
  • ....
  • We should go to the amusement park this Saturday.
  • Just the three of us? I don't mind, it sounds fun. Mary's probably not in the mood to go anyway.
  • I'm in!
  • That was an experience!
  • We neeeed to come back here again.
  • I'm so happy you talked me into this, it's soooo much fuuun!
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