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f2f classes

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f2f classes
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  • Jared, your teacher said that you will have your face to face classes tomorrow.#160;#160;
  • Okay Mama, I'm excited to see my classmates again especially#160;James and Nathan.
  • Have you prepared your things for tomorrow's class?
  • I'm not yet done with it Mama, Im still looking for my shoes but I will do it later.#160;
  • I think it is in your closet or on your shoe rack.
  • Thank you, Mama; I'll look for my shoes.
  • Mama, im done with preparing my things.#160;#160;
  • Okay jared, Dont's forget your Mask and alcohol.#160;You sleep early tonight so you will not be late.#160;
  • Good night Mama.#160;
  • Good night..#160;
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