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The front desk

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The front desk
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  • Title
  • The Front Desk
  • Somebody
  • Wanted
  • The Front Desk By: Kally Yang
  • But
  • Mi Tang is a 10 year old who moved to America from China around the age of 8 and runs the front desk at the Calivista motel. (She is poor)
  • So
  • Mia wants to own a motel and she wants get on the good rollercoaster.(Means your rich)
  • Then
  • Mr. Yao is racist and it shows when Mr Lorenz's car is stolen!
  • Mia enters a contest to win a motel and starts writing letters.
  • Mia is able to convince poor people to put money into buying a motel.
  • Save money and buy a motel.
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