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Amusement park

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Amusement park
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  • What a coincidence!would you mind playing with me?
  • What rides do you want to play?
  • Sure,let's go!
  • I want to play Ferris wheel!
  • Because i have a fear of heights.
  • Actually I am a little afraid.
  • That's a good idea!
  • Then let's go buy a drink first, and think about what to play while drinking.
  • I saw it!Let's go and play!
  • What!? Why?
  • I want lemon juice,how about you?
  • So,What do you want to drink?
  • I‘ll go with milk.
  • Later in the Haunted house
  • Haha,it just fake,don't be afraid.what do you want to play next?
  • Ok,let's go!
  • I want to go to a relaxing place, like a candy house.
  • OMG!Who is that?it was so scary!
  • Oh,let's go to the cinema and watch a movie.
  • Ok!
  • How do you feel now?not that afraid anymore,right?
  • Hahaha,that's true.
  • Yeah,it's so colorful here.this would be my dream house if I were a kid.
  • Where shall we go for the last?
  • See you too,bye!
  • Yeah, it's really classic. By the way, if you gonna watch it next time, remember to call me!
  • Wow!The movie was so impressive.I'm wondering when can I watch this movie again.
  • Of course!Oh my,it's late already,see you next time,bye!
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