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Comic project part 2
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We're learning about elastic force.
Elastic Force
What does that have to do with Archery.
Remember what we are learning about in science.
Elastic Force
Yeah, we wouldn't even be able to shoot the arrow since it would not go back to its shape.
Oh, wow i guess elastic force is really important.
Well without elastic force it would be hard to practice archery.
Elasticity is the ability of an object or material to resume its normal shape after being stretched or compressed
Magnetic Force
Don't worry we have the compass and with the help of magnetic force we can get back home.
In my comic it is explaining what elastic force is and how archery is elastic force.
Magnetic Force
Where were you guys its dark out now.
WIthout it we wouldn't be able to get home because magnetic force is what pulls the compass.
Sorry, we got lost in the woods. But with magnetic force it told us what way to go.
Magnetism is the force that can attract or repel objects that have magnetic material like iron inside of them.
Oh no, were lost. I don't remember what path it was and its getting dark.
My comic explains that magnetic force is really important and without it important things would not work anymore.
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