No, I'd rather you stayed here. My luck is pretty bad right now and it might rub off on you. So just let me say goodbye and face the bad stuff alone - otherwise I wouldn't be thanking you very well for all you've done for me
You won't stay any longer? And you don't want me to come with you?
Honestly, I can't. I'm just wondering, with no particular destination. But I know you'd never force me to tell you things I don't want to, so I should be polite and tell you what I can. My name's Sebastian, though I've been calling myself Roderigo. My father was Sebastian of Messaline. I know you've heard of him. He's dead now. He left behind myself and my twin sister, who was born in the same hour as me. If God had been willing, I wish we had died in the same hour too! But you kept that from happening. An hour before you pulled me out of the breaking waves, my sister drowned.
At least tell me where you're going
How tragic!
I'm sorry I wasn't a better host for you, sir.
Oh, Antonio, I'm sorry I caused you so much trouble
I care about you a lot. Please let me be your servant so I can be with you. You'll be killing me if you don't.
If you don't want to break my heart, then say goodbye to me right now. I like you very much. I'm really about to cry, like my mother would do. I'm going to Count Orsino's court. Goodbye.