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What is the Difference Between Folk and Pop Culture?
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Well, Culture is physical traits, beliefs, and social forms unique to a group of people.
Hey, Ila! What's Culture?
Gleiten: 2
So what's the difference between Pop and Folk Culture?
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Along with Fashion, and Food...
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and Music and Entertainment!
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Pop culture tends to be heterogenous, meaning it spreads rapidly over a long distance.
But, how does Pop culture spread?
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While Folk culture is homogeneous, meaning is diffuses slowly and only really stay's within one group of people.
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So, then what is Folk Culture?
Folk culture is cultural practices, or traditions, with in a homogeneous group .
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This can be certain traditions passed down through generations.
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For example, the Indigenous groups of North America practice dances and make jewelry that has been passed down for generations.
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Or, tribes in Africa with their art and textiles.
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Or, specific clothing styles and social expectations in india.
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Of course there are so many different Folk culture customs to review but these are some brief examples.
Gleiten: 14
Ok, I think understand now.
Gleiten: 15
No problem, Bye!
Thanks Isa! Bye!
Gleiten: 0
Oh, so, sorta like, Technology and Social Media...
Well Pop culture tends to be culture that is not solely unique to one group, diffusing rapidly all over the world.
Great, happy to help.
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