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g11 religon

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g11 religon
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  • "As for me, behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of many nations. No longer shall your name be Abram it will be Abraham. Many kings shall come from you."
  • "go from your country kindred and your father's house to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation and bless you and the people of the earth ."
  • The lord appeared to him by the oak trees of Mamre. Sitting up he saw three men near him. As soon as he saw them he came to bow and greet them for he knew it was the Lord.
  • "Adonai, If it please you, do not go past your servant. let a little water be brought; bathe your feet and recline under these trees. And let me fetch you a morsel of bread that you may refresh yourselves; then go on.
  • "This man shall not be your heir; no one but your very own issue shall be your heir. Look toward heaven and count the stars, So shall your descendants be."
  • "Hmmm... Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall become a mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? No, for I have chosen him, that he may charge his children after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteous and justice."
  • "I will indeed bless you, I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven. And by your offspring shall all the nations of the earth gain blessings for themselves because you obeyed my voice."
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