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  • setting
  • setting
  • this all takes place in a nice naighboorhood and two closefriends called fernanda and maria and they both got dresses on and they are both gonna go and get a ice cream together .
  • ice cream shop
  • fernanda and maria are now talking about what they should do today since there gonna be together all day .they thought about getting ice cream and then go some were .
  • they both get to the ice cream shop and maria grabs a spoon and starts to eat while fernanda starts to get a spoon . and then they finish and leave .
  • they both done and heading out and now there gonna go back home and do some over there at marias house .
  • but they had to stop because something wasn't going right so they stopped and they had saw they didn't have gas so they stopped at a gasoline station so they can fill it up and now there ready to go .
  • they finally got home and now there gonna go eat and have a good time with meryann's family.
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