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  • What are you screaming for?!
  • THIS PLANES GOING TO CRASH. AND.... we. ar... going.... to die!!!
  • You sound delusional right now bro.
  • Just shut up and let's get on the plane.
  • The friend wakes up from a dream and panics. He feels himself to make sure everything is real.
  • Nah man I'm still feeling it. Something's gonna happen.
  • See this ain't bad. Nothing's going to happen.
  • One of the friends wakes up screaming. The other is annoyed by the fact he is screaming in his ear so early in the morning. 
  • Dude ! WE ARE GOING DOWN!!
  • Holy shi...!!
  • The friend has a freak-out and tries to explain that the plane is going to crash. This is because a dream that the friend had. The other friend shrugs it off and tells him to get on the plane.
  • When the two friends board the plane, one is still freaking out and has a nervous feeling something will happen
  • *Boom* The plane engine fails and the plane starts to go down. The people start to freak out and prepare for death.
  • The two friends are waiting for their flight to come by. They're both trying to get a little bit of sleep because it is an early flight.
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