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teach for india - pre work
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scene 1 : Muskan emailing
Dear ammi,I Miss you, I wish you were here to support me like always, my studies are afftected...
Scene 2 : flashback home morning
wake up muskaan! you're late
oh noonot again
Scene 3: present day
I hate this uniform, I wish I didn't have to go to school ever
Muskan is in the boarding school for her higher studies and she is emailing her mom about her school journey
Scene 4: trying to fit in
she is remembering the time when she used to be late by not listening to the alarm clock but waking up with her mother's voice
scene 6: present-day at school
She hates to wear the uniform and she feels like going to war
scene 6 : Muskan emailing
Dear ammi,I Miss you, I wish you were here to support me like always, my studies are afftected
exploring to ace all the activities in the school and not concentrating on one task
Feeling like an average child who is self doubting her self
your grades are not good again this semester, hope you make your way well in the future
I dont understand, Again I am not able to score well.
Muskan is in the boarding school for her higher studies and she is emailing her mom about her school journey
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