The Sumerian civilization in Southern Mesopotamia. Sometime around 4000 BCE:
We did it! we now know what day it is, what week it is, and what time of day it is. This is huge!
Monday August 22nd, 4082 BCE
Ya, too bad it's Monday though.
The Sumerian people invent the concept of time, and calendars. Creating a system of weight and measures.
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By the fourth dynasty of the old kingdom, Egypt established a culture with cursive script, art and architecture, and their hieroglyphics.
I think we are a bit too early for that.
Your lucky I haven't been able to watch StarWars yet!
Around 2280 BCE, sports more often included combat, ball games, and a form of fencing with wooden sticks
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Troy 9, sometime between the 12th and 13th century BCE. Achilleus defeats Hector, avenging Patroklos
In the mourning of Patroklos, I shall plan a great athletic festival!!!
Maybe I'll call it the Funeral games.
During Patroklos' burial, Achilleus planned out the funeral games , where the events were in military context.
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One of the most famous structures during the Roman period and in today's world is the Coliseum of Rome.
Wow can you really believe its 280 by 200 feet?
The coliseum was finished construction in 80 AD. Events like chariot racing were very popular, and the arenas real name is Flavian Amphitheater.
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The games held at the Coliseum, were used as a safety net to put a decline on social unrest
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During the late-medieval period jousting contents became stylized and point systems were established.
Guys this version is just as awesome! I swear!!!
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A pivotal moment during the renaissance period, is the first text of human anatomy published.
Jeez, I sure hope it doesn't come back to life.
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sport in Britain
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Sport in Colonial America
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Early Canadian Sport
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Growth of Sport in the 19th and 20th Century
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The Modern Olympic Movement
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In my opinion, history should be looked at through a linear perspective. It can be argued that history is cyclical, as it tends to repeat itself. However there have been chronological events that have happened throughout history which helped humanity evolve due to their linear nature. Each event finds itself upon a linear scale of years from the past. Knowing dates of important events gives credence to the practice of looking at history from a linear perspective.