There are many frogs living in the rain forest. They have little or no predators.
#4 Struggle
All the frogs are different colors. This shows that their is variation in their population.
#5 Selection
The colorful frogs live in the Amazon Rainforest. They live in a part with lots of colorful flowers for them to blend into.
#6 Differential Reproduction
Over time, the frogs' environment changes. There are no longer colorful flowers, so the frogs don't blend in as well. Because of this, they are easier to spot by predators, like snakes.
The snakes find the blue, purple and red frogs easier. The yellow and green frogs blend in better. Over time, the species goes through natural selection, and they are the only colors of frogs left,
Eventually, the bright yellow and green frogs' colors evolve to be more muted. The two frogs breed, and the population evolves so all the frogs are beige, and dark green.