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  • Ever since the cartographers included ocean currents, as well as longitude and latitude lines, navigating has been much easier
  • The new ship with the triangular sail, caravel, and stern rudder sure are helpful!
  • This new magnetic compass and astrolabe helped us discover more things.
  • I know right? Let the year be known this happened in 1300 AD!
  • What was the name of that thing? The magnetic something?
  • This an AMAZING book! I have to tell everyone about Travels and about how big the world really is!
  • I wish there was a place to properly learn navigation though
  • Good thing we started using the magnetic compass, it would be hard without it.
  • Hey listen! The world is much bigger than we thought, we need to explore!.
  • Thanks to you funding this new navigation school, we can properly learn how to navigate and use new tools! Although, it's almost as if I talked about this last scene *Glares at you*
  • Thanks. This new school will help many people as well as saving their lives at sea.
  • Sir! I think we just circumnavigated the globe for the first time!
  • I was able to sail up the St. Lawrence river, and I hereby claim if in the name of France! Let it be known it is the year 1535!
  • I know! We need to mark this year! I can see it now: Magellan circumnavigates the globe in 1519 through 1522!
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