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Indus Valley Civilization

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Indus Valley Civilization
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  • Hi there, I am Hrishikesh from 21st century.I learnt about your civilization in my Social Studies classes. I wanted to understand more about it
  • Hello Hrishikesh, My name is Nida.I will be happy to show you around. There is a lot to see and understand here.
  • Our main cities are Harappa & Mohenjo-Daro along the river Indus and also Kalibangan, Dholavira & Ropar
  • Hmmm...That will come in northwest India and eastern Pakistan in our times.
  • See our farmlands ,soil along Indus is very fertile and we grow barley ,wheat & vegetables.We also domesticate animals.
  • Yes,we learnt about the Great Granary at Harappa to store grains.
  • Such amazing town planning in these times.There is a perfect underground drainage system with so much attention given to cleanliness.
  • We have well planned cities, houses made of bricks and streets with streetlights and dustbins. Some cities have citadels with massive brick walls
  • Yes, it has steps built to reach the pool and has a well to feed it and a drain to recycle the water .This is used for our religious rituals.
  • This Great Bath is a very special feature, its a wonder how you have built this with even changing rooms on all 4 sides and even arrangements for hot water baths.
  • We learnt about the toys , carts , figurines , statues and seals found in Indus cities.
  • Our artisans are greatly skilled in various crafts-making articles out of stones , metals , terracotta.
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