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Social Studies Timeline

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Social Studies Timeline
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  • 13 Rangatira Write To The King (1831)
  • To King WIlliam IV
  • James Busby Arrives (1833)
  • United Tribes Flag Chosen (1834)
  • In 1831, 13 Ngāpuhi Chiefs wrote to King William IV seeking protection for their people and protection from other tribes.
  • He Whakaputanga Declared (1835)
  • In 1832 James Busby became the offical British Resident to travel to New Zealand. In May of 1833 he arrived in the Bay Of Islands and over a few weeks he took small steps in hope to tame a chaotic tribe.
  • More Signatures Added (1839)
  • The United Tribes Flag was chosen on the 20th March 1834. It was New Zealand's first ever flag.
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