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The Cyclops
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Men, we've run out of supplies, we need to gather more. there is a cave nearby we can use for shelter until we are ready to leave
2. we were looking for a place to reside while we gather supplies for our journey, can we stay with you-
1. Fe fi fo- wait wrong story. ANYWAYS, what are you guys doing in my ✨sick pad✨
3. lmao na, i'mma eat y'all
3. lets get him drunk, tell him my name is Nohbdy, and stab him in the eye it'll be hilarious
2. die i guess, what do you want us to do??
1. our dudes are dead. F. what are we gonna do?
2. Bit suspish, but k, I'll eat you last. I'm sure there will be no consequences from consuming something given to me by someone i'm holding hostage.
1. Hey my name is Nohbdy, drink this wine i totally will not stab you in the eye
1. Oh no! the consequences of my actions! i conveniently cannot see
2. Idiot, we're totally not gonna tie ourselves to your sheep
1. Bravo Six, going dark
2. Odysseus what is wrong with you
3. We're ancient Greeks we don't understand the reference yet
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