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The great migration

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The great migration
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  • Miss are you okay?!
  • Many people have been sick from the coffin ship because there was diseases.
  • No...Please I need help.Cough...Cough
  • We will be there soon.
  • It took a few days to travel to Quebec.
  • I'm off to Quebec
  • Off you go folks.
  • I can't believe we made it!
  • Like I said before cruises were not pleasant at all. Many people suffered from great sicknesses. There was no medical care on these boats as well.
  • Well everyone has gotten off the coffin ship, It's time to go.
  • Right away sir.
  • Britain's colonies provided places for many people to move and start over. Some stopped in Quebec, some in New York and some in Boston.
  • Aren't you excited a whole new life!
  • Finally the coffin ship had settled into British North America.
  • Yes! A whole new life to start over and be successful!
  • The First Great Migration took place from 1910 to 1930 and the Second Great Migration was from 1941 to 1970.
  • British North America received a huge wave of people coming in looking to start a new life. Nearly 800,000 people. It got pretty confusing at the time because the languages were pretty mixed up.
  • This made a HUGE impact on us living in Canada today. First of all our official language is English! Out of all these immigrants who moved 60% were British(English speaking) and the people living in British North America spoke French. We basically changed there language! However our second official language is French that's why we are bilingual.
  • Of course I am but I'm more excited to be off that terrible boat ride!
  • I know! Isn't it just so exciting!
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