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I need to give fire to my people if I want them to live.
Prometheus gave his people fire but was afraid that zeus was gonna give him a hard time.
I'm sorry don't do this!!
You did the one thing I told you not to do. You and everyone will be punished
Zues gave Pandora a box and told her not to open it as the punishment. She did not know it was the punishment
Yes sir
I will give you this box you may look at it but DON'T OPEN IT
Zues would not have given me this box for no reason he must want me to open it
Pandora could not stop looking at the box . She wanted to open it.
Pandora was polishing the jewels and was about to open it till Epi came home
What are you doing!! Don't open that box.
I'm not going to
When Epi left she could not hold it back and she opened the box and let all the bad things come out except hope.
Pandora closed the box in time before everything came out. That is why we have hope.
I should not have done this! OK pull yourself together close the box and keep hope in there.
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